18 to 26.5GHz WR42波导环行器

发表日期: 2023-03-30

优译型号UIYWC2830A 是一款18~26.5GHz 全频段WR42波导环行器。它配备标准 WR42 端口,插损小于 0.3dB,隔离度高于 20dB,平均通过功率为100W,工作温度 -40 ~ +85°C。

18 to 26.5GHz WR42 Waveguide Circulator named by UIYWC2830A covers full band 18~26.5GHz. It comes by standard WR42 port with insertion loss less than 0.3dB, isolation higher than 20dB, handling power 100W over -40 ~ +85°C.


Model No.: UIYWC2830A18T265

Freq. Range (GHz): 18.0~26.5GHz

IL Max(dB): 0.3

Isolation Min (dB): 20dB

VSWR Max: 1.25

Forward Power(W): 100W

Reverse Power(W): 100W

Connector Type: WR42(BJ220)

Temp. (°C): -40 ~ +85 °C

Dimension LxWxH(mm): 28*22.4*30mm

Manufacturer: UIY Inc.


Video:  https://youtu.be/6sAorm_dEcw

UIYWC2830A18T265     UIYWC2830A